
When I turned vegan, my whole life changed. I had been vegetarian for a few years already. That decision was based on a desire to protect animals, and I had heard snippets about veganism from various sources for a long time. I wasn’t able to go all the way until one day my best friend asked me to accompany her to Red Mango (a frozen yogurt chain). I went with her and we sat down and then I looked at the yogurt she had ordered: fully realizing now what it was, where it came from, and the animals that were harmed in getting it to her plate. That, coupled with a horrendous visit I had to an animal market in Ecuador a few months before, absolutely sealed the deal. I was done.

Then, I was better. In every single way.

Let's start with physically. I feel more comfortable in my own skin. My hair looks and feels so healthy. My nails are much stronger than they ever were when I was eating dairy. They don't break at all. And my skin! I still have scars from teenage acne and bruises, but my skin is glowing and healthy and not dry or rough, and I QUIT BREAKING OUT. How come no one ever told me getting rid of dairy would do that?! I don't need as much sleep. I have much more energy. I also just sort of "settled" at this perfect balance and harmony with my body physically to where it sort of knows what's good and what's not. If I spent a night eating lots of junk food and doing horrible things before, my body would have a meltdown. Now, it sort of just bounces back quickly to balance, as does my mind. Which leads me to....

Mentally. This is the biggest. I struggled a lot for the better part of my childhood and adolescence with depression and other issues. Everything seemed to be really hard. Now...stuff just...slips away. I feel lighter. I don't get mad as easily, or at all. I used to have a crazy hot temper, and now I just feel calm and peaceful. And happy. I know, if you aren't vegan, you are reading this and thinking, this girl is freaking nuts. Even if you are vegetarian, you don’t know yet how much of a huge impact cutting out dairy can have on your body and mind. But it's like a personality that's here to stay because it's not based on drugs or anything artificial. I feel so happy, so grateful to be alive, and I think it's because my body isn't trying to process all the negative intake. Not to mention, the days that I eat macro or raw...I cannot stop smiling.

Spiritually...I am just way more open. And I spend more me time, and that helps me do more for others. It's now become very easy for me to just sit in silence for a few minutes and breathe and appreciate everything around me. I know you think this is something that I worked really hard at, but nope. It's easy to just be calm and peaceful and happy in my own body.
The feelings that define my day are peacefulness and gratitude. You may think I must be a naturally zen person. But that's not the case. That's who I am now.
My body feels the way it was always meant to feel. I feel beautiful, and happy, and glowing. Sure, I absolutely love knowing that something I'm about to consume doesn't have any animal products in it, and that nothing had to die for me to feel this way. That's why I became a vegan. Who knew about all these other benefits? And I love knowing that I'm saving the planet (and maybe the world) with every decision I make. It's become easier to care, easier to love, easier to feel.
I'm not interested in converting people. I just feel amazing, like I've never felt before, and I want other people to feel as great as I do. But I know if it's meant to happen for others it will happen in their own time.
I love life and living it, and I feel good. :)

Anjali Sareen, New York City, Vegan Wonderful

my favorite vegan things:
Blossom (Restaurant NYC)


Jess Etcell said...

"I'm not interested in converting people. I just feel amazing, like I've never felt before, and I want other people to feel as great as I do. But I know if it's meant to happen for others it will happen in their own time."

This is a beautiful approach to sharing love - you sound truly at peace with your decision which is just wonderful! It's great that it's a gift to your higher self, and not for ego where you are running around telling people how great you are or condemning them for not being the same way.

I came across this site and am so glad I have - I have been struggling back and forth on a rollercoaster between vegan/vegetarian/meat eater for the past 18 months being confused between my heart and what others are telling me is "healthy" and what i "need to eat" and "my blood is type O so I need to eat steak and eggs for breakfast".....

You sound so at peace it compelled me to write to you and ask what typically you eat each day?

in wellness and love


Anjali said...

Hi Jess!

My typical day is really whole foods based, and follows the Macrobiotic approach quite closely. I'll have greens or miso soup for breakfast (I know it sounds weird but it's amazing), sometimes oatmeal. Rice and steamed veggies for lunch, same for dinner! Hope it helps!
